110,867 words
by: AngelMC
(AU- Werewolf, Werewolves, Angst, Romance, Werewolf Mates, Mates, Hunter, Slow Burn 🔞)
This was so good!!! Amazing plot and the characterization was definitely on point. I love how Guk was so patient with Tae even if Tae really tried his best to avoid Guk.. And the way they stand for each other, especially Tae.. Not gonna lie but it has one of the best epilogues I've read.. I'm so soft for their little family..
"The way you hold my hand, like it's your anchor without you knowing and the way you grab your shirt above your heart each time something hurt you more. How your dagger seemed to be your shield against the world, an extension of yourself with how carefree and easily you play with him. For all that and more I love you and I'm willing to do anything for you. So I'll be patient."

22,864 words
by: madeliefie
(AU - Office, Falling In Love, Alpha/Beta/Omega Dynamics, Romance, Fluff 🔞)
Yooow! This was so cute and HOT at the same time.. HAHA! I love Tae's character where he really pursued what he really wanted and broke out of the norms and said FUCK what society standards says HAHA! And poor JK, I do understand why he reacted that way after all that happened.
"I have a lot of regrets in life, Jeongguk, but if I were to walk out of here without telling you how I feel about you. I know that will be my biggest one"

23,364 words
by: Theagoeswilde
(A/B/O Dynamics, Non-Traditional A/B/O Dynamics, Omega x Omega, Mating Cycles/In Heat, Werewolves in Heat, AU - College/University, Kissing, Fluff, Implied Mpreg, Post Mpreg 🔞)
AHHH..This story is so special to me...this was my first prompt that was claimed and fulfilled!!! I love how it was written and the writer really fulfilled my wish for an epilogue huhu..I absolutely love everything about this!! It feels empowering at some point coz they are both omega and this story shows that they don't need an alpha to be satisfied, as long as they have each other. I've never read any fics with OmegaxOmega dynamics that's why I created my prompt. This was so hot and adorable at the same time.. Tae really is Guk's baby!!! Please read this and send more love to it!! And also to the amazing writer who wrote this..I can't thank you enough..I'll always be forever grateful to you!
"What they learnt through their heats and the intimacy in their relationship was that neither needed an alpha nor a knot to feel completely satisfied in every way."

111,337 words
by: starsign
(AU - Royalty, Magic, Seasonal Courts, Arranged marriage for alliance purposes, Slow Burn, Little angst, Hurt/Comfort, Fluff,
mentions of past minor character deaths and a magical disaster, Nightmares, Happy Ending 🔞)
Wow! The world building in this story was so good! And I love how OT7 it was. Taekook love story was so cute!! Tae kept on denying that there's nothing going on between them but sorry my dear your heart eyes for Guk gave it away haha! They are the cutest and softest couple. I love it so much!
"But each time their mouths touch, Taehyung feels like he's living through the most beautiful moment in life. He knows this is where he belongs. Not a place, a court, or a house. Just him. Jungkook."

10,5631 words
by: vlueparrot
(YouTuber, Shapeshifter, Crack, Enemies to Lovers, one sided enemy tho)
OMG HAHAHA! Seriously the author's humor is the best!!! I was thinkin that the other crack fic with Tae as daddy of plants is theirs too! It was such a delight to read.. I really loved it.. At first when I saw the title I read it like MOLDY DICK.. and I said WTF who’s dick is moldy? I really had fun reading this!! A must read!!!(AHH!! After reveals I came to know that I was correct with my guess!! You should definitely read this!!)
"Look at this gorgeous fish, that stump, mmh." flip flap flip flap "He is the love of my life, and I love him very much as well."

196,370 words
by: lipcollision
(Witch Kim, Temporary Character Death, Magic, Original Character Death(s), Eventual Fluff, Hurt/Comfort, Minor Violence, Angst with a Happy Ending, Pining, Slow Burn, Emotional Edging)
Ahh! This was magnificent! The world building and the plot really is one of a kind.. So action packed I loved it!!!I haven’t watched the movie so I don’t know much about the movie reference.. Taekook are so sweet and my heart hurts for them.. I couldn’t quite understand how they were able to go on with their lives without seeing each other in those 6 months before they reunited. Huhu…
“I’d be lucky just to be a cloud in your sky.”

13,221 words
by: lolainslackss
(AU - Modern with Magic, Witch, Familiars, Non-Explicit Sex, Slice of Life, Domestic Fluff, Domestic)
Awww… this was so cute and adorable.. I really really love reading Tae as a tiger or JK as a bunny… It really warms my heart reading this.. They are just so perfect for each other.. The way they both are so caring and soft for each other.. I love it so much.. Reading this feels like receiving a warm hug in cold weather..
“He wants to leave a trace, something that says, I have been here, and he wants to leave a trail, something that says, I’ll be here again.”

112,546 words
by: ecilaaina
(AU - Hogwarts, Fluff, Light Angst, Underage Drinking, Underage Relationship(s), Implied/Referenced Underage Sex, Implied Sexual Assault (not MC), Reference to bullying, Mild Smut, Implied/Referenced Sex, Blood and Injury, Reference to Hospital Deaths (not MC), Minor Violence 🔞)
I’m absolutely in love with this fic!!! I don’t know if i’ll be able to put everything I feel into words… I wish I could be like Taekook in this fic where they can freely express how truly they feel haha.. Everything about this fic is so soooo beautiful.. I admire the writing skills of the writer so much..It felt like watching a movie.. Like they are in front of my eyes and I can see how taekook’s relationship developed from when they first met until they fell in love and are already full grown adults. It’s like watching your planted seed grow and become a fully nurtured plant with its fruits. I love everything about this fic so much... The way Guk slowly became part of BKS(even if they still find the name cringey haha!) and the idea of story telling like an expose in a magazine was really the cherry on top.. We as readers got a full view from different POVs of their friends and yes all of them figured how totally whipped taekook are for each other.. ANd OMG I cried.. Like A LOT haha.. Not because of the angst but because of happiness.. It was the moment when Tae surprised Guk on his birthday.. I thought I was losing my mind haha I even tweeted about it coz I was too emotional at this exact scene…I really felt how strong and wonderful their love is for each other with the way the writer wrote that scene.. And also, as a nurse, I really see myself in Tae as a healer... the way he cared for his patients, and when he lost that particular patient and the baby.. I saw myself in him when I first lost my patient.. I couldn’t do anything and really struggled a lot..It’s really important to have a support system that you can rely on when times like this happens.. And thank God Jeongguk was there..and he’s just so understanding and so perfect!!! AND when Guk got into an accident.. OMFG I relate so much with Tae.. that’s the most horrible feeling you’ll ever feel as a health care worker.. Seeing your loved ones in a hospital bed lifeless and full of blood. I never wanted to feel that.. Like ever!! It’s one of my greatest fears. The author touched this part of the fic so well.. I can really tell how they intricately planned and structured this whole fic that it turned out to be this masterpiece of a fic.. And that proposal!!! AHHH!!! You have no idea how I screamed like a dying cat when I realized where Guk would propose. The exact place where it all started!!! HUHU! It’s already become one of my faves of all time.
"Happy Birthday my love. I love you. This has to be my favourite day of the year. So happy you were born,"
"I love you too baby." “I'm so proud of you, Taehyung. So, so proud and just speechless of you and your strength. I don't know the right words, baby, but you're incredible. And I don't know if it'll ever become easier, or less draining, but for as long as this is your job, and as long as you need me, I'm here if you need anything. Sleep now. Rest."

208,115 words
by: monigoldenkook
(AU- College/University, Vampire, Human, Vampires Blood, Blood and Injury, Mentions of Blood, Mentions of Violence, Mentions of Death, Attempted Sexual Assault But not between Taekook, Kidnapping, Threats, Past Character Death, POV Alternating, Enemies to Lovers, Hate to Love, Bad at Feelings,Trauma, rage issues, Character Development, Falling In Love, Fluff and Angst, AngstHurt/Comfort, Slow Burn, Angst and Hurt/Comfort, Angst with a Happy Ending, Sexual Tension, Teasing🔞)
WOW! This was insanely good! The plot, the characterization, the build up, everything!! That was such a journey! I loved everything about it!! Their endless banter at first, then how they slowly fell in love with each other was so perfectly executed! I loved the way Tae slowly melted Guk’s hard and cold facade of personality.. I think that’s one of the highlights in this story.. And OMG, I cried when Guk was erasing Tae’s memories.. That was too painful huhu!! And I can’t imagine how Tae managed to pretend that he forgot everything when deep inside he’s dying to see and be with Guk.. WTH!! AHH.. they’re both such a SAP.. their confessions are to die for.. How can they be so in love with each other like there’s no tomorrow.. Definitely a must read!!
“You discovered me, Taehyung. You discovered me and my heart, that I thought it was completely lost. And you decided to love me anyway. You’re everything I grew up seeing between my parents. Respect, trust, friendship, passion, love. You’re the true responsible for me to simply feel. And I feel so god damn things when I’m with you that sometimes I can’t help but be completely overwhelmed. But I love feeling all of this. And I will love you forever and ever, my love. You’re the greatest love of my life and I have no doubt about it.”

16,1135 words
by: water_fairy
(AU - Shapeshifters, Arguing, Falling In Love, Holding Hands, Kissing, Mythical Beings & Creatures, Korean Mythology 🔞)
Ahh my other prompt!! I love everything about this! It was so cute and adorable..We all love silver hair foxy, sassy and feisty Tae!! Their non stop bickering always gets me.. The attraction between them was so obvious even if Tae really tried his best to avoid JK.. Ahh they're too cute! I keep smiling and giggling while reading this. I’m so grateful and thankful to the lovely writer who chose my prompt. Please do give it some love!!!
“I’m happy that you are now free to find someone who is truly worthy of your love. You are a wonderful person Taehyun and I can say this with full confidence even though we’re still getting to know each other.”

68,741 words
by: tkamgits
(Architect, Widower, Original Character(s)Past Character Death, Grief/Mourning, Guilt, Psychologist, Psychic Abilities, Psychic, AU - Ghosts, AU - Hospital, Doctor, Family Feels, Mentions of Cancer, Divorce, Car Accidents, Coma, Near Death Experiences, Medical Procedures, Difficult Decisions, AU - Roommates/Housemates, Falling In Love, Hallucinations, Spiritual mentions of mental health issues, Partners in Crime, Idiots in Love, Emotional Hurt/Comfort, Light Angst, True Love, Declarations Of Love, Implied/Referenced Alcohol Abuse/Alcoholism 🔞)
Ahhh!! I love it so much! Since this was an adaptation to Just like heaven but with a twist, I knew from the start that i’ll fall in love with it. I loved it as much as I loved the movie.. The characterization and pacing of the story was on point.. Taekook are so sweet huhu.. And Vmin soulmates?!? Sign me up!! And some parts really made me laugh.. Like when it comes to medical terms coz I work in the medical field.. DAMN that PNEUMATHURMAN and SPIRAL MENINGITIS!!! Hahaha! Ahh this was like a breath of fresh air.. I also appreciate the revelations that were revealed..
“I guess destiny is okay.” “It got me you.”

Please feel free to contact me if you have any recommendations or questions.

( Made with Carrd )